‘Summer DaZe’ 2007 Old Tree Gong Mei White Tea Cake


Elegant and complex in a gaiwan, awesome flavour bomb when boiled!

Earn up to 450 Points.

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Warm summer, full on, in your face, inescapable heat. I got the inspiration for the name of this cake whilst on one of my summer country walks. Why did I call this tea this name? Well, you’ll need to boil it up to find out!

Old Tree Fuding Gong Mei White tea. Gong Mei is slightly smaller leaf compared to Shou Mei. Very careful storage. Mulled red fruit notes from the rinse. The first few infusions are filled with elegant and complex flavours which deepens with more sweetness and complex fruit notes further along.  The broth is a very clear bright gold. The liquor is very pure tasting with a fairly smooth and lubricating, salivating mouth feel!

Chi is noticed! True old tree material right here! But aged whites carry a secret! After 3 or 4 infusions go and boil the leaf up for 3 mins or so….

When boiling up this tea the flavour is a blastingly powerful, one dimensional sweet honey ?! An awesomely powerful flavourful experience! ☀️

Please note you will not be able to claim any site wide promotions or offers against the 1 Tong (7cakes) option although Guru points will still be accrued when purchasing!

Additional information


1 Tong (7 cakes), 100g, 10g, 25g, 50g, 300g cake


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