2013 ‘RRR’ Bulang Gong Ting Ripe Puerh Tea Cake


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Gong ting is a popular tippy grade of Ripe Puerh offering a light creamy flavour. This is a generic wrapper named ‘Royal Rock Rhyme’. The tea is honest and tasty. 

Aroma of rinse is creamy. Taste is creamy , tippy light with sweet finish. A decent structure, strength and bite provided by the Bu Lang material makes this offering no limp wristed gong ting.

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1 Tong (7 cakes), 100g, 20g, 357g Cake, 50g


  1. Gong_fu_brew_uk (verified owner)

    Wow! What a lovely ride this was, the first steep. A furry and somewhat dry mouth sensation, mid astringency. With mild flavours at this point.

    Then the second steep! Non of the furry notes what’s so ever, really punching with flavour! Wood and cigar really come out now.

    6th steep ah I’m in heaven, really balanced. Flavour is on point and the body sensation! You could talk for Briton, don’t drink this one before bed. Oh oh the sweetness and smoothness at thos point just gets better.

    For the price and the quality of this ripe. You can’t go wrong!

  2. Stephen Holmes (verified owner)

    Very nice Gong Ting Ripe. The finer pickings are well evidenced in the nicely presented cake, which has a good array of colour.

    The tea isn’t overly strong tasting but you can get many repeated brews. It has a nice mineral taste and a medium to thick mouth feel. There is the typical earthy leather taste there but not at all overpowering and the tea is quite sweet. There is a hint of fruits and alcohol there too.

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