This small label boutique cake is entirely ‘Gong Ting’ grade Menghai old tree ‘Da Shu’ material. Guangdong Storage. Deep and strong bassy aroma and taste with a Menghai cream thats almost mocha! The taste is strong, creamy and sweet. Lovely and smooth, exceptionally so, it glides down the throat with ease. the liquid is thick and hangs to the cup. Quite a high amount of Cha Qi, lots of energy in this Ripe! With a light fermentation process this tea has been given room for further ageing potential. Simply put, one of the best Ripe’s we’ve ever tried.
Siddhartha –
Deliciously deep and rich, full and smooth. Very nice energy, deep and calm. Even as the tea mellows out the flavour lingers for many steeps. Recommended for fans of a dark and tasty cup of ripe pu-erh.
Szilard (verified owner) –
It is an amazing ripe, I regret that I have not bought at least a cake while it was available, I tried just 2 x 100 grams. The best results were in a zini yixing, which I use for ripes (made of 30+ years old clay), it is creamy, sweet, and fizzy on the tongue, it has a certain dried fruit sweetness and coffee aroma, absolutely no bitterness, and impossible to overbrew, so you can use a lot of leaf, i suggest 8 grams and more for 120 ml, I did 2 washes to open up the leaves and longer steeping times, 30 seconds at the beginning. I could feel it in my stomach, and it energized, but not in a rushy way, it is a feel good tea.
Shu-maniac (verified owner) –
This shu is smooth & has an after-taste which can last for hours.
Ben (verified owner) –
It disappeared too quick!
Very smooth and full-bodied.
Michael (verified owner) –
This was my first aged Shou experience and compared to younger ones is much smoother, a really easy drink.
Cooling mouth sensation, Very pleasent ChaQi and lasting huigan. I think this tea has everything Im looking for when it comes to an easy going Shou.
‘nothing’ really stands out – its super well balanced, If you like Shou and its characteristics you will most likely like this tea.