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The Top 4 Ways To Burn Your Agarwood/ Oud Chips

The Top 4 Ways To Burn Your Agarwood/ Oud Chips

Okay so I’ve been asked on a few occasions for the best way to burn agarwood. Well I thought it would be much easier to direct people to this post where they can see all the options that I know to be available and I can pick the message that best suits their needs. Happy reading!

  1. Electric heater . For an initial outlay of between £50-£100 you can get yourselves a funky top of the line adjustable electric heater to burn your precious would. Seen by many is the best way to get your agarwood fix, It works by gently heating your wood chip but not to the point of burning or ignition. Eating your wood this way means you will experience the purist form of the sent from your wood without any firms of notes. You can adjust the heat level to suit the chip. A potential drawback is that the heat may be too low to fully release all resin and boil within the wood. In order to keep your heater clean you would need to make use of either tinfoil, aluminium foil, silicon sheet or mica plates.
  2. Incense burner and coal. By far and away the only way that middle eastern oud lovers Will burn their agarwood is by use of a burning coal. This must have been set in place by cultural preference but is by no means seen as an inferior way to burn agarwood compared to an electric heater. This message will release everything in the world has to offer very quickly. Much more smoke will be released as the chip is subjected to so much heat. Be careful not to apply your oud chip on the hot coal too early. You must wait for a healthy layer of white ash to appear on the coal. The initial heat of the hot coal will be too much for the wood to take and you will notice a very brief Burn with lots of smoke meaning less pleasant aroma and more burnt notes.
  3. Ghetto heater. Loosely speaking you will need a naked flame such as a T light, Candle or any other method you prefer to use eating a piece of aluminium foil or other conductive metal. You could also try your conductive metal with woodchip resting on top of an electric oven hob! Just watch out because apparently it is possible for aluminium foil to melt onto electric hobbs given enough heat. ??
  4. A naked flame via a lighter. This message is brutish and uncultured. Sorry I can’t stop chuckling to myself, if you’ve seen any of my earlier agarwood Videos you will have witnessed me doing just this! It works, it’s fine, it’s just not the best way to get those precious aromas out of your oud chips. You will get a nice aroma with this method alongside some hefty Bernise as well but to really savour the aroma of Agarwood Considering the money that need to be paid in order to get it you should be considering the first two options. This is generally considered the method of use if one is in a situation where there is no other way to test the wood.

Thank you so much for stopping by and getting to the end of this blog. If you have any questions at all relating to agarwood please don’t hesitate to get in touch.