How to look after your Agarwood bead bracelets.
So yay! congratulations! You’ve just got a brand new Agarwood bracelet! These bracelets can stay looking and smelling great for generations as long as you look after them carefully. Over time the beads will softly darken naturally when in contact with the skin.
Picture below: Our cultivated Vietnamese agarwood bead bracelet with wax finish.
Agarwood Bead bracelets will be finished in one of three ways:
Waxed: an extremely thin layer of wax has been applied to the beads after the initial sanding. This creates a darker toned looking wood initially. The wax will not last too long, it won’t be long before you notice the true colour of the wood come through. Please note waxing does not interfere with the aroma of the wood whatsoever.
High speed sanding: The beads are sanded down at high speed creating lots of heat. This creates the resin in the paws of the agarwood to melt creating a darker looking wood and longer resin lines.
Raw: The naked wood only, no polish or wax has been applied at all. Potentially a very light sanding.
Pictured below: Wild Vietnamese agarwood bracelet (low resin) in raw finish with some light wear (darkened off with time)
We comprised a little instruction manual onto how to keep your beads looking great.
Water: First off let’s be very clear these beads do you not go well with water. Definitely consider taking these bracelets off when going for a shower, washing your hands maybe, definitely when doing the washing up! You see Agarwood is a very porous wood. I will do a great job of sucking up that water rapidly. This will lead to potential warping and cracking. This is irreversible damage that can be completely avoided as long as you keep your bracelet away from water. Don’t worry if you’re walking home and it starts raining they get a little bit wet. What we are really trying to avoid is long submersions in water and or being wet for a pro long time.
Alcohol: The problem is with alcohol is that it will eat away at the beautiful resin trapped in the paws of this wood. Alcohol will actually dissolve resin, thankfully any damage caused by alcohol can be remedied via a professional wax or sandpaper polish. Please remember there is a large amount of alcohol presents in perfume so keep perfume away at all costs.
Sweat marks: Sweat or water can cause whitish appearance on the face of your agarwood bead bracelet. This isn’t such a problem. The best way to deal with this is to simply polish yourself with a non abrasive clean cloth. Simply wearing the bracelet should overtime alleviate these marks as contact with the skin Will creates a natural darkening of the wood.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this blog hope this has helped you to take precautions when looking after your agarwood bracelet! If you have any questions relating to the bracelets we sell including further info on taking care of them, feel free to get in touch always here to help!
Guru team.