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7 Types Of Chinese Tea

A close-up of a Chinese white tea leaf on a man’s finger

On the start of your tea journey and slightly baffled by all the amazing tea available? This is a rough guide to the 7 types of Chinese tea, how they are made and what they taste like!

  1. Green tea: Green tea is made from unfermented tea leaves and is known for its light, grassy flavor and health benefits. The most popular Chinese Green tea is Dragonwell. It’s light, nutty and slightly sweet. Green tea is produced by lightly steaming or pan-firing the tea leaves to preserve their natural flavor and aroma. It is high in antioxidants and is thought to have a number of health benefits, including improving heart health, aiding in weight loss, and reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. Green tea is also believed to have anti-aging properties and to help boost the immune system.
Teapot & Green Tea Starter Kit
Dragonwell Green Tea
  1. Oolong tea: Oolong tea is has a wide spectrum of flavour due to lower or higher processing styles. The most popular lower processed oolong is Tie Guan Yin and has a green, sweet or herbal flavour. The most popular heavy processed oolong tea is Da Hong Pao and has leathery , floral roasted notes. Oolongs, known for their rich, complex flavor and aromas are produced by withering the tea leaves under the strong sun and then partially fermenting them. It is often described as being somewhere between green and black tea in terms of flavor, and it is believed to have a number of health benefits, including aiding in weight loss, reducing the risk of heart disease, and improving mental alertness.
Da Hong Pao Oolong Tea
  1. Black tea: Black tea (also known as Hong Cha or Red Tea) is fully fermented tea that is known for its bold, robust flavor and deep red color. Black tea is produced by allowing the tea leaves to fully oxidize, which gives it its characteristic flavor and color. Fuding is the most popular growing region with lighter, fruity notes while Yunnan also offers some stunning examples that are generally more robust with thicker mouthfeel. Black tea is rich in antioxidants and is believed to have a number of health benefits, including improving heart health, reducing the risk of stroke, and aiding in digestion.
Yiwu Black Tea
  1. White tea: White tea is the least processed of all types of tea, and it is known for its delicate flavor and floral aroma. Available as loose or cake form, cakes are more suited for ageing on. White tea is made from the young tea leaves and buds of the tea plant, which are carefully hand-picked and allowed to wither naturally. White tea can be aged for further complexity. Fuding is the most popular growing region known for its gracious mouth feel and subtle nuances while Yunnan white tea is more robust and generally has a thicker mouthfeels. White tea is high in antioxidants and is thought to have a number of health benefits, including improving heart health, helping to boost the immune system, and reducing the risk of certain types of cancer.
Aged White Tea Cake
  1. Puerh tea: Puerh tea, we love it! Actually this tea genre comprises of two types, raw and ripe! Can be fully fermented (shou), or raw unfermented (sheng). It’s produced in Yunnan, China. It is made from large-leafed tea plants and is known for its strong, earthy flavor and deep red colour when aged. Puerh tea can be aged indefinitely given the right storage conditions. Raw or (sheng) will undergo a slow, natural fermentation process as it ages due to the living bacteria and fungus on the leaves. This aging process gives puerh tea its unique flavor and aroma, as well as its health benefits. Puerh tea is believed to have a number of health benefits, including aiding in weight loss, improving digestion, and reducing cholesterol levels. It is also thought to have anti-aging properties and to boost the immune system.
2015 'Urban Sunrise' Man Gong (Yi Bang) Gushu Raw Pu Erh Cake
Raw Puer Tea Cake
  1. Yellow tea: Yellow tea is a rare type of tea that is produced in China and is known for its mild flavor and slightly sweet taste. It is made from the same type of tea plant as green tea, but the processing method is different. Yellow tea leaves are allowed to oxidize for a shorter period of time than black tea, but for longer than green tea. This gives the tea a yellow color and a flavor that is more subtle than green tea, but not as bold as black tea. Yellow tea is known for its health benefits, which include improving digestion, reducing stress, and boosting the immune system. It is also thought to have anti-aging properties and may help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
Yellow Tea

7 Types Of Chinese Tea

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