A seriously satisfying Black Tea!
The 2 famous areas for Keemun black tea are Ninghong and Anhui. Genetically the trees are the same however they have differing origins. Ning Hong Keemun is from Jiangxi province, Xiushui County. Since 2011 Ning black tea is part of a protected area of 10,000 hectares. There’s a lot of history behind this tea and was originally the gift ‘red tea’ of choice for royals and international relations. Keemun is also an integral part of the ‘Earl Grey’ blend.
Pre Qing Ming:
This Mao Feng (2 leaf 1 bud) was picked before the Qing Ming festival which is normally marked as the beginning of the Spring picking season. Why? Tea picked a few weeks prior will have a more elegant and sweet profile.
The Taste:
This premium example gives a distinct bergamot / citrus aroma that moves to subtle malt off the rinse. You can immediately recognise the affinity between this and an earl grey. Light malt and the bergamot style woody, floral citrus twang is more apparent after infusion 1. This tea can be appreciated in a gracious and elegant fashion but going long on infusion times will create a super satisfying citric bite coupled with pushy astringency! Crisp, smooth and really hits the spot! No matter how you choose to brew, this tea will have deep red broth and smooth character.
How To Brew:
Gong fu method with a gaiwan at 90c or ‘big teapot style’ (1 spoon of tea per person, resting for 3 minutes and a quick stir before serving.
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